Friday, October 19, 2012

Reaching Out to God

“Don’t we use the word “prayer” mostly when we feel that our human limits are reached? Isn’t the word “prayer” more a word to indicate powerlessness rather than a creative contract with the source of all life?

It is important to say that... feelings, experiences, questions, and irritations about prayer are very real and often the result of concrete and painful events.  Still, a spiritual life without prayer is like the Gospel without Christ.  Instead of proving or defending anything, it might be worthwhile to simply bring all the doubtful and anxious questions together in this one question: ‘If prayer, understood as an intimate relationship with God, is indeed the basis of all relationships--to ourselves as well as to others--how then can we learn to pray and really experience prayers as the axis of our existence?” By focusing on this question, it becomes possible to explore the importance of prayer in our own lives and in the lives of those we have met through personal encounters of through stories and books. 

Prayer is often considered a weakness, a support system, which is used when we can no longer help ourselves. But this is only true when the God of our prayers is created in our own image and adapted to our own needs and concerns. When, however, prayer makes us reach out to God, not on our own but on God’s terms, then prayer pulls us away from self-preoccupations, encourages us to leave familiar ground, and challenges us to enter into a new world which cannot be constrained within the narrow boundaries of our mind or heart.  Prayer, therefore, is a great adventure because the God with whom we enter into a new relationship is greater than we are and defies all our calculations and predictions. The movement from illusion to prayer is hard to make since it leads us from false certainties to true uncertainties, from an easy support system to a risky surrender, and from the many “safe” gods to the God whose love has no limits. ” 

- Henri Nouwen

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