Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Bon Swa! Haiti here I come!

As some of you may know, God has been doing big things in my life recently. This past year, I made the transition from Chapman University, to living at home, to now, Simpson University. It has sure been a journey.

I am so excited for what God has in store for my life and about the opportunities and doors He has been opening for me. This upcoming Saturday (during my spring break), I have the opportunity to go to Haiti with a student missions team from Simpson. After the earthquake last January, Haiti still has many needs. Since I am studying Cross-Cultural Studies and am passionate about community development work, I am excited to be a part of the rebuilding and restoration effort in Haiti. Our team will be working alongside locals (who have formed previous relationships with Simpson students) with Delta Ministries.

Our team leaves Saturday out of San Francisco and returns April 4th.

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